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Eugene Olevsky, Ph.D. [bio]

Dean of the College of Engineering

Distinguished Prof of Mechanical Engineering

Phone: (619) 594-6061

E-mail: eolevsky[at]



Rajendra K. Bordia, Ph.D. [bio]

George J. Bishop, III Chair Professor of Ceramics and Materials Engineering

Phone: (864) 656-5228

E-mail: rbordia[at]



John S. Kang, Ph.D. [bio]

Assistant Profesor

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Phone: (619) 594-1874

E-mail: jkang4[at]



Ulf D. Schiller, Ph.D. [bio]

Assistant Professor

Department of Materials Science & Engineering

Phone: (864) 656-2669

E-mail: uschill[at]



Elisa Torresani, Ph.D. [bio]

Assistant Profesor

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Phone: (619) 594-3599

E-mail: etorresani[at]



Runjian Jiang

PhD Student in Joint Doctoral Program (UCSD-SDSU) 

Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering


Nicholas Satterlee

PhD Student in Joint Doctoral Program (UCSD-SDSU) 

Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering