Refereed Journal Articles
- Grippi, T., Torresani, E., Maximenko, A.L. and Olevsky, E.A., Spark Plasma Sintering of Boron Carbide (B4C): From Characterization to Finite Element Modeling of Sintering, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, p.116700 (2024)
- Grippi, T., Torresani, E., Rios, A.C., Maximenko, A.L., Zago, M., Cristofolini, I., Molinari, A., Bordia, R.K. and Olevsky, E.A., Mitigation of gravity-induced distortions of binder-jetting components during rotational sintering, Additive Manufacturing Letters, 10, p.100215 (2024).
- Torresani, E., Park, C., Grippi, T., Haines, C. and Olevsky, E.A., Complex Shape Transparent Al2O3 Fabricated by Integrated Spark Plasma Sintering-Additive Manufacturing Technology, Ceramics International (2024)
- Grippi, T., Torresani, E., Maximenko, A.L. and Olevsky, E.A., Additive manufacturing-assisted sintering: Low pressure, low temperature spark plasma sintering of tungsten carbide complex shapes, Ceramics International (2024)
- N. Satterlee, R. Jiang, E. Olevsky, E. Torresani, X. Zuo, and J. S. Kang, Robust Image-Based Cross-Sectional Grain Boundary Detection and Characterization using Machine Learning, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (2024)
- N. Satterlee, E. Torresani, E. Olevsky, J. S. Kang, Automatic Detection and Characterization of Porosities in Cross-Section Images of Metal Parts Produced by Binder Jetting using Machine Learning and Image Augmentation, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 35, 1281-1303 (2024)
- Olumor, I.D., Wiśniewska, M., Torresani, E. and Olevsky, E.A., Additive manufacturing and spark plasma sintering as effective routes for manufacturing of AISI 316L austenitic stainless steel-WC composites, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 26, 3234-3244 (2023)
- A.C. Rios, E. Olevsky, E. Hryha, M. Persson, R.K. Bordia, Analytical models for initial and intermediate stages of sintering of additively manufactured stainless steel, Acta Mater., 249, 118822 (2023)
- Torresani E, Ischia G, Molinari A. Localized Defects in Cold Die-Compacted Metal Powders. Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 6(6):155 (2023)
- Park C, Torresani E, Haines C, Martin D, and Olevsky EA. Transparent Al2O3 fabricated by energy efficient spark plasma sintering, J Mater Sci, 58, 11872–11885 (2023)
- Torresani E, Carrillo M, Haines C, Martin D, and Olevsky E. Fabrication of powder components with internal channels by spark plasma sintering and additive manufacturing. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 43(3):1117-26 (2023)
- E. Torresani, R. German, R. Huff, and E.A. Olevsky, Influence of gravity on sintering of 3D-printed powder components, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 105, 131-146 (2022)
- I.D. Olumor, A.L. Maximenko, E.A. Olevsky, Effect of laser dwell time on pore elimination in selective laser melting of metal matrix composites, Additive Manufacturing (2022)
- N. Satterlee, E. Torresani, E. Olevsky, J. S. Kang, Comparison of Machine Learning Methods for Automatic Classification of Porosities in Powder-based Additive Manufactured Metal Parts, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 120, 6761–6776 (2022)
Conference Presentations
- T. Grippi, R. Jiang, A. Maximenko, J. S. Kang, E. Torresani, Eugene Olevsky, Evaluation of Green State Anisotropy in Parts Produced by Binder Jetting, Via Machine Learning Enhanced Discrete Element Modelling, 2025 TMS Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, March 23-27, 2025. (accetped)
- R. Jiang, T. Grippi, A. Maximenko, J. S. Kang, E. Torresani, E. Olevsky, Anisotropy in the Binder Jetting and Sintering Process of 316 Stainless Steel, 2024 TMS Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, USA, March 3-7, 2024.
Publiations In Progress
- Torresani, E., Cabo Rios, A., Grippi, T., Maximenko, A.L., Zago, M., Cristofolini, I., Olevsky, E.A., Sintering Model for Predicting Distortion of Additively Manufactured Complex Parts, Rapid Prototyping Journal (Submitted)